Daughter disses dad for the holidays – Stresser of the Day

Father and daughter, Poland

Merry Christmas Everyone!

This stresser is dedicated to a man who has dedicated himself to his family without prejudice, sacrificed without blame and stands for all that is good in a father, my best-friend in the whole world.

I do not understand how a father who has done everything in his power to ensure that his children are happy, healthy and living decently (even renting one of them a 2 story house) can be treated like he is lower than dirt by one of his children. It is sad that regressive memories and a sense of entitlement can turn a daughter into a ruthless, heartless broom who sweeps those of no interest to her under the rug.

I was told today by my best-friend, that his daughter wasn’t coming by for Christmas, because she would have to wake up earlier than she usually does to stop by and visit her father, who has given her the world, for even 15 minutes on Christmas day. Mind you, she passes his house every time she goes to her mother’s house, which are about 10 minutes apart. This is where she was heading today, to see her mother and her mother’s family for Christmas. Instead, she wanted to have her and her children’s present delivered to her by her brother. This wouldn’t even be a possibility Continue reading

Company blames employee for poor Christmas Spirit – Stresser of the Day

Company party 1979

The holiday party is arriving…. screw that. The CHRISTMAS party is arriving shortly. I’m sorry I was raised in an era where we called it Christmas not “holiday,” screw those that think that is offensive, I’m not politically correct nor will I ever be. Sorry I went on a tangent there.

I digress. So at my company we will be having our “Christmas” party the Monday before Christmas. Lucky for me I will be on vacation. Every year we do some stupid little contest about whose the most festive and do some little gift exchange of cheap 99 cent store gifts. Oh and did I mention that the head honcho’s will be talking about the company and the future of the company during this party? Excuse me its called a party for a reason, no business should be conducted at that time, that is what meetings are for.

Today there was an “attempt” to make me feel guilty for not partaking in this “festive” hour away from work, that’s right I said an hour. We get to walk down to some crammed restaurant in the business district of our side of town and listen to the big wigs talk about numbers and crap. I said “attempt” because well I am personally sick of companies that expect their employees to partake in this little waste of time gathering, and that includes baby showers, birthday’s,m wedding showers and even new home parties. In my opinion those things should be left for off hours and not affiliated with the company whatsoever.

How many of you agree with me in this pathetic attempt to “gather” the troops to boost moral? How about spending the extra budget on increasing your staffs moral instead of purchasing big ticket items for the big wigs.

Stress, confusion and curiosity lead us not to hide, but to search out the next day to see what happens next.