Personal Space all used up in Checkout Line – Stresser of the Day

Reaction of two people whose personal space ar...

Since when did it become ok to violate someone’s personal space in the checkout lines in Department Stores? And since when did it become ok to spread your potentially volatile germs around to everyone around you?

This happens quiet often with me when I am in the check-out line at most any store. Today especially was nerve-racking. I was about to pay for my purchases at Target, when this mid-life crisis woman (about 50 years old) decided to not just get inside my personal space, but she basically hijacked it and raped it. She was standing right next to me, prohibiting me from swiping my card to pay. Not only that, but she insisted on hacking up what sounded like the rest of her rusty dusty lungs from years of smoking. I, kindly looked at her, asked her to move and she simply stood there like she finally kicked the bucket and turned to stone, not saying a word. So being the rude ass that I am, I gently side-stepped right into her pushing her aside with my body. Oddly enough she didn’t get the hint and attempted to invade my body once again by peering over my shoulder as I entered my card number (I changed my mind and used the visa part of my card). So with these actions I looked at her and in an assertive voice asked her if she would like my social security number and drivers license as well so she could steal my identity all together. The cashier as well as the two people behind this body-snatcher, busted out laughing.

Personal space is like a man cave for me, its mine all mine, don’t come into it unless invited and definitely don’t be polluting the air in my space with your infections.

Spoiled bosses ruin Christmas vacation – Stresser of the Day

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

So I have taken a two-week vacation for this Christmas, plans of relaxation and work around the house turn my stress into a sense of calm and tranquility. Like a brick thrown through a stained glass window, the smiles and relaxation begin crashing down. The bosses at where I work have become so spoiled in getting what they want, that they believe that a vacation for an employee does not constitute an actual departure away from work in its entirety.

My immediate supervisor put out an APB to everyone at my place of business that all work on our website and business software needed to be brought to my attention prior to the close of Thursday, did anyone listen… No! of course not why would they. Instead of respecting the vacation time of an employee they would rather continue kissing the asses of those not directly associated with our business and/or continue to whine like little babies trying to get their way. Newsflash people!! I already have an 8-year-old and 7-year-old who try that whining with me, and as some of you know, that whining does not work with me.

I am respecting my supervisors instructions and ignoring those whiny little peons until I get back. Next time, you might want to consider reading your email thoroughly and understand that unless it is a business halting emergency, all your ridiculous miniscule requests will go unanswered until I resume work in the New Year.

Jewish man gets Christmas card – Irony of the Day

So at work, we are being persuaded to sign Christmas cards for people; One, that do not work at our company, Two, I do not know who these people even are and Three, we do not know their religious denomination or celebratory acts for the Holidays.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if our big wigs accidentally gave a Jewishman a Merry Christmas card or a Black woman a Happy Hanukkah card or a Hispanic man a Happy Kwanza card?

American card, circa 1940

Why are we even doing this and why is it expected for the employees to sign a card for someone they do not even know or have seen.

Merging drivers get the bird – Stresser of the Day

Fuck sign, not directed at anyone!

All you inconsiderate drivers

I’m just driving along at a semi-snails pace when, oh this person to the right of me wants to merge into my lane. His blinker is on and I see him peering in his side-view mirror to see if it is safe.  I decide to be polite and slow down so he can merge. He quickly gets over, thinking I might change my mind for some reason. He speeds up, looks inthe rear-view mirror and wait! What the hell, no thank you, no quick wave of the hand to say “Thanks for letting me over.” Well you know what? “Fuck you!” as I get extend my right hand and proceed to extend my long middle finger upwards giving him the you finger salute.

This just didn’t happen this one time, it happens all the time. Literally, it is rare that someone says thank you, most of the time there is no blinker or indication that someone is merging they just get over and sometimes, for some unknown reason step on their brakes. This pisses me off, you wonder why I don’t let people over as much as I used to. I am not sure why people have become so self-absorbed as to think a little courtesy gesture would hurt their self image. Most of the time now, when I see someone trying to get over or trying to cut away from traffic by waiting to the last minute to merge, I speed up as to not allow any room for them to get in front of me.

Driving on the 10 each day, my middle finger sure does get a work out. I think I might have road rage

Ignorance leads to wealth – Stresser of the Day

Business Ethics (The Office)

Seeing on a daily basis. that in order to run a business, corporation or a government even; takes pure stupidiness, ignorance and a true disregard to moral ethics. It frustrates me to know that in order for anyone to get a higher status than minion in this country, you have to dumb yourself down. I would rather be smart and make less money and have my colleagues say good things about me, rather than be ignorant and make more money and have my colleagues belittle and talk about me behind my back.

I guess I will sit here and watch as the idiotic and wealthy attempt a futile effort to understand why things are going awry.